My "Lead with Humility, not a Hierarchy" chapter takeaway from the Amazon best seller that I co-authored - Chandra Gundlapalli

Leadership Walk The Talk by Chandra Gundlapalli

Lead with Humility, not a Hierarchy

I partnered with top global leaders sharing our leadership experience during the pandemic and opportunities to accelerate building High Performing TEAMs.

Top principles I champion every day,

  • "Courageous Leadership"

  • "Lead with Humility"

  • "Build community"

  • "Work team first then the problem"

Three-point recap & advice

  • Nimble Operating Model Create a Champion of Champions operating model breaking silos to quickly adapt to unknowns, as a network with shared genuine, trusted relationships. Emerging technology is just an enabler; the operating model is critical for success.

  • Lead with Compassion & Open Courageous Communications Focus on spending dedicated time with your workforce connecting at the human level. Do not jump on to layoffs in pandemic situations that anyone can do easily. Focus on solving the hard problem by wearing a courageous leadership hat. Remember, you got lucky to be in a leadership role. Be available on all the channels; your team needs you the most during unknowns.

  • Execute the Business Purpose North Star, making diversity & inclusion real Help your customers with your "true" business purpose vision. Remember, the COVID pandemic is temporary. It will define your character in the long run. Trust your dedicated workforce; not the

    consulting firms. If your workforce is not included in the purpose, they feel apart from it.