Chandra Gundlapalli Celebrated for Dedication to the Field of Business Transformation - Top Leadership Principles I follow

Operating Model and Principles I Follow

Chandra Gundlapalli Celebrated for Dedication to the Field of Business Transformation. I am honored to be a Marquis distinguished executive for my dedication to business transformation for Professional Integrity and Outstanding Achievements.

#1 Industry recognition supported by my global TEAM

#2 Top leadership principles I champion every day:

  1. Lead & Build Community

  2. Work the Team, Then the Problem

  3. Be the Evangelist for Courage

  4. Coach the Coachable

  5. Fill the Gaps Between People

#3 How to operationalize the above? TEAM of TEAMS Operating Model is key, check out a detailed article on this here.

30-Second Takeaway: It is very critical to establish an effective TEAM of TEAMS Operating Model on the ground especially if you have a TEAM of hundreds.